Accounting for Limited Companies
Limited company accounts & CT600
Limited company accounts are a popular way to trade, they work much the same as sole trader accounts. Under a limited company the director’s benefit from a limited liability status. This is one of the main reasons a business switches from sole trader status. Limited companies also benefit from some tax saving opportunities. As a limited company, all directors will still need to submit yearly self-assessment tax returns alongside the companies CT600 & Limited company accounts. If you are thinking about forming a limited company, please get in touch to see how we can help you.
CIS returns
If you are involved in the construction operations, you will need to register for CIS and submit monthly returns for your subcontractors. CIS deducts 20%
VAT returns
The VAT threshold currently sits 85,000, which means if your turnover is expected to exceed 85,000 in any given
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